As an insurance agent, you need to know about a lot of different business aspects. You don’t need to worry about just selling policies; you’ll also need to know how to run an effective website. Having a website is one of the most useful things that you can do for your business as you can use it as an educational and marketing tool that will allow you to bring in more clients and expand your business.
Taking advantage of your website
When it comes to getting traffic to your website, there are a few specific things that you can do. One of the most helpful ways to get traffic to your website is through backlinks. You can reach out to other agents or insurance blogs in your area and ask them if they’ve been looking for a website to link to. If they include a link to your website in one of your posts, then you might see an increase in traffic.
If you have a blog on your website, then that provides even more opportunities for backlinks. Learning more about backlinking practices aligns with SEO, which is another thing that you can do to get more traffic to your website.
Learning more about search engine optimization (SEO) will be necessary if you want your website to rank well in Google. Learning about local SEO practices is especially important if you’re wanting to get local clients. Ranking for various keywords is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website and ensure that it’s getting visibility.
There are specific SEO agencies that specialize in helping their clients improve their rankings. If you do choose to go with a SEO agency, then you should be prepared to designate a generous portion of your budget towards those costs. Many SEO agencies charge thousands of dollars per month, but most businesses find that it’s worth it.
Starting a blog
Having a blog is one of the best ways to increase website traffic. Not only can a blog increase page views, but it can be used as a marketing and educational tool. Your clients can view your blog when you have a question and potential clients can learn more about your business through your posts. Starting a blog is a great investment, as you can continue to build on it throughout the years.
If you have the budget for it, you could consider hiring a copywriter to write your blogs for you. This is a great option for those that don’t enjoy writing. If you do want to write your blog posts yourself, consider checking out other blogs in the industry and seeing what’s working for them.
If you’re not ready to start your own blog, then you could consider writing guest posts. Being featured on other blogs is a great way to publicize your website and bring in new traffic. You can also gain exposure to a new audience and potentially generate some leads. If you’ve got a talent for writing, then guest posting might be a great step for your business.
Social media
Using your social media as an outreach tool can be helpful. When you’re writing your posts, make sure to link back to your website whenever possible. This is another scenario in which having a blog can be helpful, as you can correlate it with your social media. You should also make sure that your website is included in your social media bios. It should be extremely easy for potential clients to find your website through your social media.
There are multiple different social media platforms that you can use. Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are all very popular for insurance agents. It’s necessary that you understand what each platform is for before you choose which one(s) you’ll use.
If you’re looking to make connections with other professionals in the insurance industry, then LinkedIn might be the right choice for you. It’s a great way to get to know other people in the business and learn about their career growth. LinkedIn is less straightforward than the other platforms, however. It can be difficult to gauge success and is more challenging to learn how to use.
Instagram is a great option if you’re wanting to reach a younger audience. Posting is very simple with Instagram and you can pay to have ads placed. The Instagram algorithm can be somewhat challenging. If you’re going to be using Instagram, then it’s essential that you post consistently. This is one of the best ways to grow a substantial following, but it will take time.
Facebook is the best option if you’re wanting to reach an audience with a diverse age range. For those selling Medicare products, Facebook might be the best option. Because you’ll have more access to the senior population, you’ll want to make sure that your posts are easy to read and have a clear CTA.
Struggling with your website?
If you’re having trouble with your website, we can help. The Western Marketing team is here to answer your questions and provide you with the resources that you need to create a successful website. You can rely on our team to provide you with answers. If we aren’t able to answer your question, then we’ll do our best to direct you towards someone who can.