Insurance agents often need as much advice as possible when they are first getting started. A little bit of advice can go a long way, as a slight adjustment to your daily habits can easily improve your ability to acquire new clients. If you are a new or veteran agent who is looking for an opportunity to improve, here are some tips you can use to improve your business.
Prioritize Excellent Customer Service
Any long-time agent could tell you that it’s critical to brush up on your customer service skills as often as possible. Your enhanced customer service ability could easily be what sets you apart from other agents, so you must prioritize this skill set as much as possible. After each interaction you have with clients, aim to leave them feeling good about the experience.
Excellent customer service requires more than just small talk. To get the best results, you have to aim a little bit deeper with your conversation. Ask about family, work, and your customers’ other interests. As you unravel an engaging conversation, you can easily weave in details about your various insurance products. Taking this approach feels less salesy to the customer, allowing for a more comfortable experience overall.
Build a Routine
As an insurance agent, you are effectively your own boss to a degree. This is especially true for people who are working independently. If you don’t have a team of managers to force you to stay organized, the responsibility falls completely onto you. It may seem difficult to settle into a positive work routine at first, but really it is quite simple most of the time.
The best areas to look at first when planning your routine are how you spend your time and if you do so efficiently. Create a calendar that you can use to plan out your day and keep track of important events. Make a habit of taking notes throughout the day to keep yourself informed on what needs to get done on any given day.
If you know what you have to do every day, you are far more likely to get everything done. Taking this approach to your business allows you to hold yourself more accountable, meaning you are less likely to be caught off guard by unexpected occurrences. Give it a try and you are certain to see results.
Leverage Current Technology
The tech being used in the insurance industry evolves every few years. If you aren’t using the latest tools to your advantage, you are neglecting a valuable opportunity to generate more sales and maximize efficiency. For example, some agents have yet to implement incredibly useful systems like consumer-facing quote engines that can be added directly to your website. Likewise, online contracting systems can simplify the client acquisition process and speed up the timeframe required to close deals.
Working with a company like Western Marketing will offer you access to useful tools and technology that will benefit your business. Enroll with our IMO now to start growing your business! Our number is 800-852-7152.