social networking can help insurance agents stay on top

Top 3 Ways For Insurance Agents to Stay On Top Of The Industry

Successful insurance agents put the work in to earn their place on top of the industry. And that means more than giving hours of presentations and perfecting your pitch. You need to get out into the community, make personal connections with your clients, and keep up with the latest news and changes in the industry. If you want to get and stay up top, you should do the following.

Be Involved. 

The surest way to network and meet new clients is by becoming visible. Branch out from your usual routine and look for opportunities to show your face around the community. 

Expanding your social network will allow you to meet new potential clients. You may be able to share common interests and come across other communities of people you would not otherwise have met.

Attend local conferences and workshops. Network with other agents. Getting to know the local business community can also lead you to new insights and clientele. 

Stay in Touch with Your Clients.

Your clients know and trust you as an individual. Taking notice of their personalities can make an impact in getting to know them.

Once you have gotten to know your clients’ hobbies and interests, ask about these in your upcoming correspondence. 

Clients want to feel important. To help them feel like they are a priority, keep a note of changes in their lives and ask for updates when you see them next.

Maintain a consistent messaging timeline with your clients. Check-in with them regularly through email or your online portal. If you have not been doing so, schedule annual reviews so your clients feel informed and up to date on their policies.

Stay Caught Up with Current News.

Pay attention to insurance publications, blogs, social media, etc. Some of the top publications to follow are Insurance Business America Magazine, Risk & Insurance Magazine, Insurance Age Magazine, and Insurance News Magazine. 

Life Happens blog,, the NAIFA blog, The Triple-I Blog, and others can be good resources for all insurance agents. Look for blogs that specialize in the products you offer for the latest news and regulations, as well as current topics addressing those areas.

Stay updated with changes in the insurance lines (health insurance, life insurance, etc.). Regulations and policies change over time. Keep up with the major insurance carriers and stay up to date with any adjustments that will affect your clients. 

Your clients will appreciate your demonstrable knowledge of the insurance industry and grow to trust you not only for your integrity but your credibility.