promoting my insurance business

How Can I Promote My Insurance Business?

You should promote your insurance business through multiple avenues, both online and in-person. Here are some ideas you can try.

Digital Marketing on the Internet

Start by creating a website for your business. This needs to be well-designed with a URL that fits your brand. Purchase a domain name that includes the key words of your business name. To make a modern website, utilize a website builder with templates. Integrate your brand colors and fonts to match your print materials or update your print materials to match your website. Make sure your website is easy to navigate and readable. It’s important that you test your website on a mobile device as well, because there may be formatting issues when the screen has to shrink to fit a smaller window.

Add calls to action (get a quote, schedule an appointment) on every page of your website to help encourage website visitors to purchase a policy. You can even use a quote tool to give visitors a free quote. In the days of instant gratification and a need for speed, you can draw in clients by being transparent and offering them a quote in return for contact information.

Use social media to market your business. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, all of the high traffic websites. Create an account for your business and use it to spread information about your business, including any events you may be hosting. Use the accounts to serve as an information source, not a sales tool.

Create webinars, blogs, videos, presentations, or whatever else would suit your business. You can use these to provide answers to frequently asked questions or explain changes in the industry. Promote these media on your website and social media. The more relevant and informational content you produce, the better your site will perform on search engines.

Buy online advertisements in Google Search, Instagram, Facebook, and more. These can be targeted to show up when people search for key terms related to your business, especially for people searching in your target market. Most of these ads are pay-per-click, meaning the more people these ads bring to your website, the more you pay for the ad. This is a valuable exchange because it brings people to your calls to action and your contact information. Even if they do not click on the ad, placing the ads builds brand recognition.

Marketing in the Community

As an independent insurance agent, you are probably the type of person who enjoys meeting new people and engaging in conversation. Take advantage of your charm and personality by going out into the community. Hand out your business cards. Sponsor a local event to show that you are involved in the community.

You can also enter into a referral agreement with other local businesses. They will share their leads with you if you share leads with them. 

Try to find your customers where you expect them to be. This will depend on your market. Seek out the community of people needing your type of insurance.

Participate in a local fair or find some other opportunity to give out free promotional items. When your potential clients receive a free product, they may be more likely to buy a policy.
Need help promoting yourself as an agent? Western Marketing can help.