knowing your audience is the first step to an effective marketing strategy

Top 5 Insurance Marketing Strategies That Work!

Creating marketing strategies can be challenging. They either seem too tricky, too ineffective, or too expensive. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. At Western Marketing, we can help you reach your desired clients and generate quality leads. Our approaches are effective, both in cost and results. Follow our five marketing strategies for insurance agencies below. 

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Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience may seem simple, but it’s the first step to making an effective marketing strategy. Your audience will depend on the type of insurance you sell. For example, if you sell Medicare or life insurance, your demographic is typically older. If you sell auto or health insurance, you have a much broader audience to reach. 

Different demographics interact with different types of marketing. For instance, most people have a cell phone, but older adults are less likely to have smartphones. Most people have the internet at home and a computer. However, while 90% of people 18-29 use social media, only 40% of people 65 and up use social media. You’ll want to tailor your content to reach your desired audience.

Use Multiple Types of Marketing

Using variety in your marketing can help keep potential clients engaged. Once you know your audience, you can decide which types of media to use, as we mentioned above. For example, direct mail can include letters, flyers, brochures, and postcards. You can also use social media, email, and telemarketing. 

Use Seminars to Educate Potential Clients

Seminars and workshops can benefit both you and your clients. Offering a workshop can help educate your clients on a topic they would like to learn more about. It can also help you by positioning you as a resource to go to in times of need. Establishing a relationship can generate a high-quality lead. 

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Different platforms can help integrate your marketing strategies with your sales strategies. For example, MedicareCart is a platform that allows you to connect to clients virtually. You can also send texts with a personal shopping link that will let clients browse through and purchase plans, landing you a commission. There are many similar platforms based on your line of authority.

Keep Old Clients Engaged

Lastly, keep your old clients engaged. Generating a new lead takes many times the resources it does to keep your old leads. By sending old clients updates and educational resources, you remind them that you’re a resource they can use for their other insurance needs. 

To learn more about the most effective insurance marketing strategies, contact us at Western Marketing today.